Crystal Wings Vogel Wands

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Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice

Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice by Bill Hurley Many of those energy workers and lightworkers who have been drawn to the crystal healing arts may find that they need a couple pointers to get into the proper space for effective work. Here are just a handful. Trust Your Own Innate Talent : I am not including specific techniques in this article. If you want to develop the most powerful and genuine skill with your crystal, look to yourself – you hold the answer. Close the books, cancel the seminars and workshops, and sit with your own feelings and urges. You will find that through your own one-of-a-kind will, you will generate your own method. Setting a Sacred Space : Although most practitioners know that atmosphere can be very important for the comfort of the client, it is also vital for the intensity of the connection between you and your Vogel Crystal. Make sure the space is clean, warm, and inviting. Add colors through draperies and candles that you resonate with, use the scents of incense, resins, or aromatherapy. Even change the themes depending upon the energy that you can intuit from the client in advance. Hang up pictures of those divine beings, gurus, or teachers whom you feel may help you during a session. Calling in Spirit Helpers : Before beginning the active portion of the session, ask the client to visualize bringing forth his/her own helpers, while you do so as well. This could be ascended masters, angels, spirit guides, deceased mentors, teachers, or family members in the same line of work, spirit animals, or any other energy that you feel called to incorporate. You may find that different energies will pop up willingly depending on the unique needs of the client. Clear Yourself : The clearing or cleansing of yourself is more important than all the different techniques for the purification of your crystals. Quartz crystal is pure energetic light; it is you that may bring forth residual energies from a past client. Using the smoke of sage, or Palo Santos, start at your feet, and smudge upwards over your whole body. If your mind is busy with thoughts or feelings from the day, use a simple mantra that can empty your mind and focus your intentions for the session. I use ‘Sat’ on the inhale, and ‘Nam’ on the exhale (which from Sanskrit translates to mean, ‘bowing to truth’), but you can use any sounds that you like. Instead of using smoke, you can exercise briefly to move the energies out of your system (our physical and etheric bodies ARE connected!), bathe yourself, or meditate with crystals set around your body. Clear the Crystals : The bulk of the clearing should be done on your own energetic body, but clearing the crystal with your intention can also assist you in decontaminating heavy energies that were applied in a previous experience. Smudge the crystal. Hold the crystal parallel to the ground with a hand on either end. Pulsing your breath out through your nostrils, direct light through the crystal to obliterate any remaining toxicity (in your own memory bank). Do this several times, rotating the crystal with each breath, until it has completely revolved. Personal Practice Enhances Professional Practice : Your Vogel Crystals or Master Healing Crystals/Tools work the most effectively when they are fully integrated into your life. Many people’s practice’s begin to lose momentum when they use their crystals only on others, not themselves. The exponential potential of your work resides on your active effort to use the Vogel Crystal on you. Every morning devote at least 10 minutes to sitting, talking, and communing with the crystal being. If you wait for a session, or for working on others, to touch and interact with the crystal you may find that you will be drained and more chaotic in your productivity. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via our Contact form. Edit Template

Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work

Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work by Bill Hurley Food is a wonderful thing. It has the power to nourish, oxygenate, and build your cells. It has the power to cleanse, renew, ground, enlighten, energize, expand, and engage you. It can amplify your thoughts or feelings, and focus them through the conduit of your body. What you eat enables your body to completely regenerate itself every 7 years, constantly allowing you the potential to re-do or re-create every cell, tissue, and organ of the body. That is pretty amazing, to say the least! It is a powerful influencing factor in your growth as an energetic and physical being. Marcel Vogel recognized these facts, at least to some degree. After an extensive Vogel Crystal healing or balancing on another, he would recommend that they eat a good amount of protein to ground their body. Protein is one of the large components that assists in building and maintaining that which we physically are. We need protein in our diet on a constant basis, but it is recommended most readily by healthcare physicians and holistic practitioners when we are under stress, are in a state of healing, or regenerating, because protein is needed to repair tissue, to heal, and to activate the immune system. But is food really that important when working in the spiritual/metaphysical/energetic worlds? Yes!  Both you, as a practitioner or avid crystal aficionado, and your clients, could benefit greatly from incorporating food as a influencing factor in your energy work. Nutrition, or what you feed your body, is ultimately just another avenue by which your body receives nourishment. If you meditate, enjoy walking in nature, reading your favorite novel, or working with crystals, these are all examples of ways into which you ingest richness. If you were to have a fight with your spouse, lose your job, watch a horrible movie, or observe a hateful outburst of another, all of these would be obvious negative energies that could fall upon you. The same could be said of eating food-like substances that contribute to the toxic load of the body, like fried foods, candy, cakes, soda, refined bread products, crackers, chips, hydrogenated oils, food colorings, etc. These are foods that have the potential to hinder your potential to experience sensation (in the etheric and physical worlds), cause and perpetuate negative emotions, distract you from your true gifts and talents, and urge you to remain stagnant and in imbalance. So, what do I do? Here are some nutrition tips to incorporate into your meditation, crystal healing, journeying, or other energetic practice. 1. Whole Fruits and Veggies for Receptivity: Fresh fruits and vegetables create a receptive energy in the body. When working on your own inner processes, or advising another, it is best to be as receptive as possible. These whole foods nourish every cell in your body because of how easily they are absorbed in your digestive system and bloodstream. You will notice that those individuals that eat a more whole-food diet seem to have a more receptive energetic presence, allowing more authentic work. Eat as many of these foods as possible. An easy way to do this is to stock your house full of fruits to have for breakfast, and to eat one salad a day (for lunch or dinner) chalked full of your favorite veggies. 2. Water for Absorption: About 2 hours before a session drink a good amount of water, and refrain from eating anything heavy, or that saps your digestive energy (fats, grains, animal products). This will allow the body to focus its energies on the work being done, rather than the enormous amount of energy that is devoted to digestion. Water in your diet (which makes up to 70% of your total body weight) is essential to removing toxicity, lubricating and protecting your tissues, and for producing energy. Having enough fresh water in your internal atmosphere will allow one to soak up the positive energy, and release the negative. 3. Protein for Healing and Grounding: Eat protein after challenging sessions. Just as Marcel said, protein helps ground out your body, and assists in healing. But be advised! Going out and eating a bucket of KFC, or another highly processed form of protein, can be detrimental to your physical health, as well as integrating the gifts you have received from the session fully. I would recommend focusing on vegetable sources of protein (as they usually absorb faster and more easily than their animal counterparts) such as sprouted tofu, artichokes, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, green peas, green pepper, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard green, onions, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, turnip greens, watercress, yams, zucchini, hemp seeds, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. 4. Feed Your Body, Don’t Suffocate It: Do not overeat after a challenging session. Whether you are the practitioner, or the patient, gorging yourself, or eating a large amount of food post-session will inhibit the healing and progression made during the work. This is a common occurrence because many of us feel hungry, even famished, after energy work. The toxins released into our bloodstream activate cravings, possibly even severe emotional responses from decades back, that we immediately want to feed. It is vital that you allow your body to fuse what was brought forth in the healing process. Also, when we eat a large meal, our body’s energy stores in the organs and tissues is diverted from healing to digesting the large volume of food. And as such, much of the foods (even if they are tremendously healthy) will not digest or assimilate properly because of the unrealistic load on your gastrointestinal system. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. With the above tips you will notice an exponential increase in your own abilities and perhaps in your relevance as a facilitator. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via our Contact form. Edit Template

Shamanism and the Vogel Crystal

Shamanism and the Vogel Crystal The Unconditional LoveBy an ex-friend and coworker, her positive presence is missed In the beginning of my work at Crystal Wings, I was curious about the path that Bill had taken in his life. He is by no means the typical, ‘new age’ guy, with the long beard, lanky limbs, and robed clothing masking his Birkenstocks. He never uses the commonly heard terms in the average metaphysical bookstore, like ‘blessings to you’ (while bowing with hands in prayer position), ‘Namaste,’ or ‘I am a healer.’ The life that he lives does not include a daily yoga practice, participating in the ‘spiritual community’ or a yearly trip to some guru or place of power. By all accounts he is a regular guy, with a knack for hoarding crystals. Yet, over time, he would reveal a technique, a tip, or a small gem of guidance that would slightly nudge me into a direction that I had not initially noticed. I remember when I began to learn about and work with the Vogel crystals. I wanted to know everything that Marcel had said to him, all the experiences that he had, and how, exactly, these crystals could be used. All he said was, “Go, and sit with it. Do not read any books, or research it with your mind. Just experience it.” Where did he get this perspective, in a movement and culture that is entrenched with guru-hungry, belief-labeling, must quantify/qualify all things, ego-centric self-declared healers? Could it really be true that I do not have to look for the truths, that I can just find them? Bill’s path was not a conventional one. Raised on a farm in Kansas he was knee deep in hard labor and real-life struggle for the first part of his life. He was in military intelligence for several years, drove a truck, sold and developed real estate, owned a marketing company, and has done several other things I imagine.. It was just a chance encounter, while chasing a woman no doubt, that led him to his first workshop with Bobbye Hall on distant healing and journeying. That served as the catalyst for later engaging in and embracing one of the most truthful and grounded forms of spirituality that exists today: Shamanism. Shamanism is, by mainstream definition, a wide range of traditional beliefs from indigenous cultures all around the world, that center on attuning oneself to nature, and connecting with other dimensions. What we would think of as a Medicine Man, would be an example of a Shaman; a practicing intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds. Shamanic practices are said to predate all organized religions, even traced back to the Paleolithic and Neolithic time periods. It is for this reason that it has taken so long for it to ‘come back’ like a revival. Shamanism contains no religious affiliation, philosophy, doctrine, concepts, spiritual leaders or gurus, nor does it worship or condemn. It existed in a time where all there was, was experiences. “Shamanism, in the true, powerful essence of its tradition, is the practice of experiencing the extraordinary while living in the regular world.”Shamanism, in the true, powerful essence of its tradition, is the practice of experiencing the extraordinary while living in the regular world. It is no doubt embracing those things which many push away (the physical body, animals, nature, emotion, monotonous actions and routines). It is this Shamanic energy that Bill holds dear to his heart. It is something that he cannot share, advertise, teach, dispel, or express in detail. Because it is only his to know. It does not require all the dramatic and intricate workings of a church, a gathering, a named movement, or a seminar/workshop. There are no credentials or certifications to enact when it comes to true shamanism. And this is what makes Bill’s work and experiences with crystals so powerful and effective (in his own life and as an example to all of us). Shamanism and crystals have been the formula that have melded and mixed a concoction for Bill that, I believe, has proven significant. Shamanism connects us to nature, and honors nature, without worshipping it, or putting it above or below our own existence (this is an important point, as many will give their power away to the worshipping of the crystal, and personify it as a person). Crystals are a powerful symbol in shamanism of the purity and focused power of nature. We can use them as tools, just as Shamans of the past have used leather and wood as tools, to experience the immense capabilities of an ‘ordinary’ object. It is only through the ordinary that we can access other worlds. It is only through the grounded, practical side of our natures, that we can climb high up into the realms of the spirit. If we are constantly rejecting or negating the everyday experience of our own self, and aspiring to feel spiritually elite (such as a labeled healer, practitioner, or shaman!) then we are moving away from the real essence of this tradition. The compatibility, Bill has said, of Shamanism and Crystals, is that they both can only be acknowledged or verified by our own experience. “The compatibility, Bill has said, of Shamanism and Crystals, is that they both can only be acknowledged or verified by our own experience.”It is not through the viewpoint of another that we can gain the powerful know-how or illuminating dream state of our own self. We must experience both of these elements ultimately, alone. Granted you will have help and guidance periodically along the way, but the direction of the path is up to you, as no one has walked it before, exactly as you will. The spiritual essence of Shamanism is not extraordinary. It is the grounded, down-to-earth consistency that exists always, and has absolutely nothing to do with beliefs, principles, or ideas. That is why it can be so challenging. In the example of my own enthusiasm for intellectually understanding

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Ruby Lavender Quartz™  is an exclusive Trade Mark of Crystal Wings.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All information on this website is under copyright by Bill Hurley of Crystal Wings. It may not be copied for individual or personal use and is not for distribution or publication of any type without the explicit written permission of Bill Hurley.