Crystal Wings Vogel Wands

Order: +1 (530) 918-7972

Authentic Vogel Wand Gallery

Our authentic Vogel Wands are genuine, real, true Vogel Crystal Healing Wands used in the Vogel Healing Techniques.

Imi-con refers to an imitation, counterfeit, poorly cut, ‘trying to be a Vogel’, usually double terminated crystal.

Crystal Wings sells only authentic Vogels.

Click here and read more about the Vogels and Bill’s journey with Marcel Vogel …

Click on the crystal image to buy, view additional details, view full screen, zoom, or share with your social media

4 Sided Vogel
6 Sided Vogel
8 Sided Vogel
12 Sided Vogel
13 Sided Vogel
16/8 Sided Vogel
16/8 Sided Rounded Bottom Vogel
144 Sided Vogel
144/6 Sided Vogel

Read More About the Vogels and the Crystal Wings Journey

What is the Vogel Star of David? What is the Vogel Star of David by Bill Hurley

Tips for Working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™ By Bill Hurley Here are some tips for working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™. 

Crystal Wings Mission Statement by Bill Hurley With over 40 years under my belt, use my experience and knowledge of

Bill Hurley “Crystal” for the purpose of this resume refers to quartz crystal.   Anytime, anywhere, anybody talks about anything, I always wonder, is this person

Authentic Ruby Lavender Quartz™ Wands

Bill Hurley Crystal Wings Jaguar
Crystal Wings, Copyright 2008- 2025 | Order:  +1 (530) 918-7972 |
Ruby Lavender Quartz™  is an exclusive Trade Mark of Crystal Wings.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All information on this website is under copyright by Bill Hurley of Crystal Wings. It may not be copied for individual or personal use and is not for distribution or publication of any type without the explicit written permission of Bill Hurley.