Crystal Wings Vogel Wands

Order: +1 (530) 918-7972

Sherri K

I just wanted to let you know my crystal arrived today and i was absutely awe struck, it brought tears to my eyes! It really exceeds my expectation! WOW WOW WOW! What a gift to recieve! Bill is truly remarkable, i know this work isnt easy and i am truly honored to have a piece of his work in my hands and to be able to work with it in my healing practice. Thankyou so so much! And your willingness to let me make two payments. Thankyou!🙏🏻Im still interested in a protection piece. Just need to get my money up again and i’ll be in touch.Much love and Blessings-Sherri   Return to Home Page Testimonials

Yasuko and Akira

Dear Natalie, Thank you so much for your assistance when we were at the store. After the healing, we went to Mt. Shasta to meditate. When we finished meditation, the watch shows 333. It was confirmation, we thought. Right before we left the US, we experienced great processing. Now we feel more calm and confident. The ET cut crystal is super! Akira fell in love with this so much. We felt all of the other universal doors are opened because of this crystal. Again! Thank you so much from our hearts! We hope to see you and Bill again soon! We wish you write us to exchange our experience of healing and ascension process each other. Love and Light, Yasuko and Akira Return to Home Page Testimonials

Munay S.

Dear Bill,Well, I was standing there holding this exquisite stone and I felt much like a 2 year old holding a Stradivarius! What does it do? How do I play it? When will it play me? Eager hands that can’t wait to hears its tone!!!!Thanks much again, Munay S. Return to Home Page Testimonials

Claudia A.

Hey Bill! I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation for the work that you do, the magic that you effect. Needless to say, I love my crystal and it loves me. We’re still on the pathway to discovery and I look forward to all it has yet to reveal to me. Again, thanks for being the bridge. Blessings, Claudia A Return to Home Page Testimonials


Hi Folks!I just received the crystal today. Wow, what energy! I’m very excited to begin working with this new tool. To be honest, I really debated whether this crystal was worth all that money. But after touching it for 15 minutes, all doubt has left me. I think that the money spent is probably a bargain for such a high quality crystal.Thanks for all of your help. JD D. Return to Home Page Testimonials

Mark F

Bill, I received my crystal yesterday and what a sight to behold in person. Such beauty! You do fine work. Thanks so much for the service to humanity that you provide. Thanks so much and I’ll be in touch as I get in touch with my vogel! Mark F. Return to Home Page Testimonials

Deborah L

Hi Bill and Natalie, The following day after I bought the Foreseer, I took it and went up to the mountain to meditate and journal. I did notice that after I left the shop with it, the atmosphere seemed intensified with fear based stuff, and to shorten a long complicated story, I had been psychically attacked for a very long time by very negative energies/people, which was one of the main reasons I came to Mt. Shasta, to seek guidance and healing, especially with the Great White Brotherhood. I kept the Foreseer next to me while journaling the fears and events to process and heal. Gradually the intense fear based energies and the peoples’ faces projecting them began fading into the background. Then, very clearly, in the writing, the energy shifted easily and it was “Greetings, I AM Thoth, the Atlantean.” Basically he gave me wise advice and insight about all my concerns and said he and the Great White Brotherhood were helping me because I was one of them and was sincerely asking for help. He said I had been shut down for a long time, but now I was opening up. He said the Foreseer would enhance the abilities-unused until now, and in potential that I already have, and to not forget that point. He said, “Let the crystal teach you, it is to help you get started.” There were 4 pages of kind direct wisdom, and it ended by them all saying I was under their protection because of my sincerity and by grace. You can imagine how deeply healing! Well, just wanted to touch bases, I enjoyed speaking with both of you very much! Deborah L. Return to Home Page Testimonials


Good Evening My New Friends at Crystal Wings, It’s really hard to believe it’s been just over a month since receiving my Vogel Crystal.  “Already my life is taking a more positive direction. It seemed like a perpetual uphill battle before, but now it flows effortlessly.” Everyday (and I mean even the most stressful weeks like this one has been) are somehow easier or smoother. Does that make sense? I’m communicating so much better at work which has been an irremovable obstacle for me for oh so many years because of MANY ‘past’ blockages. (I was referred to by a former co-worker, emphasis on former, as ‘damaged goods with excess baggage.’ This gives you a glimpse of a bit of cruelty I have had to endure for too long- like so many of us who try everyday to live each day as if it were our last and love others, all others.) Every part of my life, deep in my spirit, is strengthening and clearing so I can move forward like I have hoped to for all these years. Thank you THANK you THANK YOU!! I’ll be in touch… well, given our distance, I’ll keep you updated. I haven’t been this clicking. I mean, everything just ‘clicks’ now. Everything is finally looking up. (Can you believe I might even get a very unexpected raise and promotion?) Blessings to all of you, always, Angela Return to Home Page Testimonials

Bill Hurley Crystal Wings Jaguar
Crystal Wings, Copyright 2008- 2025 | Order:  +1 (530) 918-7972 |
Ruby Lavender Quartz™  is an exclusive Trade Mark of Crystal Wings.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All information on this website is under copyright by Bill Hurley of Crystal Wings. It may not be copied for individual or personal use and is not for distribution or publication of any type without the explicit written permission of Bill Hurley.