Crystal Wings Vogel Wands

Order: +1 (530) 918-7972

Tips for Working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™

Tips for Working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™ By Bill Hurley Here are some tips for working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™.  As always, the suggestions serve as only a beginners guide. Hard and fast rules in the crystal world are extremely foolish. You will develop techniques and ideas of your own as you use this stone. An Amplifier: Although this stone is not the ‘Clear Quartz’ variety, it still has the power and focus to be used as an amplifier like any of your other ‘Vogel Crystals’.  The only difference is that it carries with it a suggestive type of energy that always leans toward healing through love, and amplifying your intentions through the lens of the heart. Not limited to the Heart Chakra: Ruby Lavender Quartz™ does have a commanding heart chakra energy, and does vibrate with that energy center, yet it never remains there. Marcel Vogel felt that the high heart chakra area (located between the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra) was possibly the ‘doorway to the soul’.  This thymus location was the area into which he would bring a crystal into presence with the energy of the body, so one can literally address any physical or emotional issue. Emotional Healing: So many of us are in our heads. We ‘think’ about things, and make decisions about things as simple as our emotions, or as complex as having to do with our career, based upon the process of the mind. Although Ruby Lavender Quartz™ can work through the mind, it has tremendous power also working through the heart, or the emotional center. This is especially useful when dealing with emotional toxicity, baggage, or trauma. This stone’s mere presence can invoke release, without even thinking about it. Temperature Gauge: Ruby Lavender Quartz™ can be a gentle warmth that envelops your hand, or a blazing fire that burns away even the most dense and heavy energies. It can be the tender embrace of Kuan Yin, or the electrifying push of Saint Germain to shift to a higher vibration. The intensity of heat is up to you, but RLQ will follow. An Unconditional Friend: When wearing a Ruby Lavender Quartz™ pendant, or bringing a wand into your home, you have an energy of unconditional love, acceptance, and balance that comes along with you. Most of us, if not all, have moments when our positive inner calm can diminish and almost go out. Perhaps it is a judgment from someone, an argument, or just differing vibrations that will challenge you. But Ruby Lavender Quartz™ will offer you, your clients, or anyone whom you are around to bask in a refuge of love. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

What is Ruby Lavender Quartz™?

What is Ruby Lavender Quartz™? By Bill Hurley Ruby Lavender Quartz™ is a stone that resonates with the Ascended Master Saint Germain. So much so in fact, we designed a special crystal healing/balancing wand to honor this. (see Flame of St. Germain™) Also used as a passport to angelic realms allowing one to communicate with their guardian angels and entities of higher angelic conscious levels. “Carrying a very commanding feminine force, the female aspect of God at her most powerful, it activates and heals the heart chakra with strength and unconditional love.” If one is ready, the stone can initiate a powerful release of even the most deeply embedded blockages. The depth and richness of the pink ray in this material is astonishing. Vibrating powerfully in the high heart chakra, it opens channels to divine love, acceptance and a love for all of humanity. Ruby Lavender is ideal for those who wish to heal old emotional wounds, or to transmute one’s own negativity.  It is a stone of forgiveness and compassion, strongly emanating these qualities, so one using or wearing it becomes a beacon of loving energy in the world. Ruby Lavender™ has arrived as a stone resonating with the higher heart, I.E. the more “expanded heart chakra of the fully activated light body”.  Just as the stone itself has been refined and purified to a degree seldom seen in the physical world, so those on the path of Light must purify and refine themselves in order to vibrate at the new frequencies of the transformed human. One can feel the melding of the spiritual and physical world when touching. For those on the path of ascension or mystical awakening (however one wishes to name the great transformation we are all going through) Ruby Lavender™ can be an integral tool, guiding one to find resonance with the highest vibrations of the heart, the true center from which all loving action emanates. While doing research on Atlantis in the 1980’s I read about quartz of this color in a series of books by Dr. Frank Alper entitled “Exploring Atlantis” {see quotes below }. Thus began my quest for the “red and pink stone created and used in Atlantis” so very long ago. ( Was there actually an Atlantis?…. I do not know.) Twenty years later I discovered a very limited supply and after long discussions, many almost clandestine like meetings, quiet ( and sincere promises), and much luck, was able to obtain the total amount. Because of it’s stunning color I named it Ruby/Lavender. I am told the stone was created in the 1980’s by the US government for an experiment in “cold fusion”. Whatever that is. The experiment, apparently unsuccessful, was discontinued and under the threat of being destroyed the crystal was stored for many years. There are even hints (claims) that the technology involved is from the UFO that supposedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA in 1947. For more on the distribution of the 1947 technologies see the book “The day after Roswell”, by Col. Philip J Corso (Ret. ). I DO NOT make that claim. Honestly, I am not very concerned about the origin of Ruby Lavender™.  As most things of mystery, “origin” concerns are lost once the stone is touched and the spiritual connection to other dimensions is realized. Ruby Lavender™ is composed of 100% quartz with only a few molecules per billion of a rare earth element I cannot pronounce or spell.  However Ruby Lavender™ is NOT a lab grown quartz. The crystal being only “shape shifted”.  For those concerned about it not being completely “natural” consider this… Shamans, Magicians, Alchemists and Healers, of times beyond memory, created magical tools from the world around them. These Elders used bone, horn, skin, feathers, wood, stones and whatever “came to hand”..  Of course, these natural elements contained medicine of Mother Earth, but the healer/wiseman/magician endowed them with personal and or spiritual “medicine” bringing them “alive” to assist in visiting unseen worlds for healing and balancing “all their relations” and/or fellow humans…. So, we, by combining technology with old knowledge (still using stones or “what comes to hand”) create magical tools for the present day. As I mentioned above this stone was initially remembered for its use in Atlantis by Dr. Frank Alper in his series of books Exploring Atlantis Vol. I thru III. Here are few quotes from the books about the “red and pink” crystal used there so long ago: “The source of power for Atlantis was generated and utilized through the use of crystals. Not crystals such as we know now, but manufactured- or grown- natural crystals, produced through artificially forced growth and creation, but as pure as the natural product.. The majority of the crystals were not huge. The smaller ones were in every color imaginable. Each color gave the crystal specific properties and vibrations of energy to be utilized for various purposes. These crystals were a pastel shade of pink in color. The pink was chosen for these particular crystals to soften, but not weaken the great intensity of energy that they produced. Its effect was like striking someone with a sledgehammer while patting them on the head. The ruby with purple hues has healing qualities relating to spirituality and emotional stability, and it can often be used to stabilize an individual’s vibrations. This would be able to help one reach a point of development to be able to eliminate highs and lows in reactions to situations. The red ruby crystal is generally utilized in the healing of diseases that have the characteristics of spreading mass infections, such as cancers and blood diseases, where great power is needed in a short period of time. Part of the purpose of the red crystal is to maintain the balance of vibrations and to assist within the grounding, by maintaining the polarity of the fields of energy. This in itself assists within the growth. The raw power of the red ray is not specifically designed

The Lost Stone of Atlantis

The Lost Stone of Atlantis By Bill Hurley Working with Crystal Wings, as a student of Marcel Vogel, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to the miraculous and awe-inspiring experiences of our clients and customers. But none have been like the feedback and testimonials from the healers that have used Ruby Lavender Quartz™. There has been an enormous underground movement in the healing arts concerning this newly discovered stone. A stone that not only has been used in miraculous work, but has been calling out to all those who have been searching for it for lifetimes. Said to have been the “Lost Stone of Atlantis” and the channeling stone of Saint Germain, Ruby Lavender Quartz™ seems to have taken on a life and purpose of its own. Through the ongoing feedback from our customers and clients we have received information of the same nature concerning this stone. Across the board, the same qualities and entities pop up for every single individual in its use;  unconditional love,  pure heart chakra energy, St.Germain,  sacred feminine,  and nurturing mother energy. It seems that this ‘missing stone’ fills the gap and void of deep emotional trauma that we and our clients have been witnessing within, with a renewed purity of light and love. The energy of the stone itself transmutes and replaces the residual negativity and stagnancy that we hold in our heart center with a presence that many of us have not been familiar with for centuries upon centuries. Ruby Lavender Quartz dissolves ones blockages and in turn enables one to finally ‘let go’ and have the ability to manifest the true potentials of ones Kharmic calling. Without the walls, we become vessels for receiving and giving divine information and divine love. Ruby Lavender Quartz™ has truly become the embodiment of the unconditional mother, the unwavering nurturer, and the undaunted energy of love. It is the comfort of home. These tools are of extreme consequence to both our own individual selves and that of our clients. On three independent occasions Saint Germain came in visions or dreams to separate individuals, presenting Ruby Lavender Quartz as the next needed step in their healing/channeling work. Conveniently timed before visits to Mount Shasta, these individuals were coincidentally drawn into Crystal Wings without knowing what was within our walls! They were mesmerized and drawn to tears to witness the very stone that they had seen in their visions. Within moments of holding the wands they knew they had worked with it before, in where else but, Atlantis. A woman who held this stone in the store, and was rushed with an intense heat and vibration through her whole body, was heated through a freezing winter night without the need for covers after purchasing the stone. A woman who had just had surgery before acquiring her Ruby Lavender Quartz™ Master Healing Tool, healed and recovered so abruptly and with ease that the physical trauma from such an invasive surgery was no longer felt in her physical OR etheric body. Many have attested to the spontaneous visions and information they have received from bringing the presence of the stone into their lives, including a closer and more intimate access to Ascended Masters and past life recollection. Although we knew its power before, these testimonials, along with many others, have confirmed for us the deep underlying need that so many have for this ‘Lost Stone of Atlantis’.  It is important to remember the need for love and wellness in our lives, and to not forget the relativity of time, and how this stone is just as familiar and powerful as it was for us in Atlantis. Give yourself the gift of an open door to the past and an evolving rush forward into the future of healing and balancing, with your own Ruby Lavender Quartz™ Master Healing Tool. To all who have been searching for this stone, whether it has come to you in dreams, in past life recollections of Atlantis, or if you have been worked on with this stone and wish to hold a key to your future wellness and balance, please email us at Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

The Unconditional Love Wand: A Tribute to Marcel Vogel

The Unconditional Love Wand: A Tribute to Marcel Vogel By Bill Hurley  Many years ago, when Ruby Lavender Quartz™ was still in its infancy stages of being unveiled and exposed to mankind, we were really riding blind. In the store, all that we had to go on was the immense beauty and personal feelings that we shared for these specimens. But little by little, our eyes widened in awe as the most amazing ‘coincidences’ and experiences popped up with client after client and customer after customer. Online clients, countries apart, would call with similar dreams, guiding them to our site and to a particular Ruby Lavender Quartz™ (RLQ™) tool when they awoke. A woman’s car breaking down in front of our store, came in to use the phone, and immediately was drawn to tears when she saw the stone she had been working with in her dreams, but never could find in the material world. Saint Germain coming to people in visions, handing them a ruby pink stone that shall be used in their upcoming meaningful work. Overall, though, the most magnificent connections we have witnessed are that with the energy of enveloping the receiver in unconditional love as they held and worked with the stone. This may at first seem all too simple. For love is a word that is used so liberally, both in individual lives and in spiritual movements, that the true essence of its power can be diluted, or sometimes lost. But love can be the most all-encompassing, pervasive feeling to impact your etheric body. Imagine the first time you fell in love, the first time the object of your affections looked into your eyes, held your hand, kissed you, and made you feel accepted and full. Now multiply that by 100 – that is the potential that divine love can have when we ignite an inner willingness to receive it. Not from another human, or from feeling of worth for creating something professionally and creatively, but from the god-self within you. We find that many people, with families, partners, and no doubt decades of experience under their belt in relationship and intimacy, are pummeled by the energy of love that they experience with these stones. This is not to ‘put down’ the depth of union that we may have already achieved. But it seems that even those of us whom are always giving, caring for, and loving others, may at times be lost to find the internal sensation of overwhelming self love, and union with all-that-is. RLQ™ seems to open up an internal heart gate, and lets the flooding potential of feeling to flow. Once the RLQ™ had been out in the healing movement for a couple years, we could then hone in on the subtle energies that could be utilized, when shaping a tool, to magnify its already powerful niche. And this was a very powerful process. Marcel Vogel always taught his students that love was the true source of healing and transformation. And we wanted to create a wand that was a tribute to Marcel and this most powerful teaching. With the help of a genuine Vogel artist, they designed the Unconditional Love Cut, a double terminated wand with intricate and numerous facets, that was specifically unveiled for those light workers who were willing to dive into the sometimes misunderstood, and neglected heart center. The Vogel artist used is a complete genius when it comes to working with quartz. It was created under the most strict Vogel Techniques and Guidelines that are the epitome of the concept of love. The design symbolizes the many facets of the human heart, and of the immense power of love, (universal, divine, unconditional love) to heal. It brings the full force of cosmic love into one’s life and into one’s abilities. It takes the already warm, divine feminine energy of the RLQ™ , and focuses it into the heart chakra (we have since created a clear quartz Unconditional Love Wand that exhibits the same qualities listed in this article). It seems that the heart is where the mind, and the creation of the material world, meet. It is a place where we can bypass the most common saboteur in healing and balancing – the mind. The mind is what resists the changes that need to be made. The ego is the tool used to keep us in a complacent comfort-zone energetically. But the mind has very little to do with you. In fact, it is only the product of the habitual choices that you have made in your energetic and physical body. And when we bypass thought, and go straight to feeling, we have hit a metaphysical jackpot. A sledgehammer of adoration and devotion, the energy of the Unconditional Love Wand has been said to be a wise sage in the journey of a healer who is looking to truly be open to transforming their own lives. It is having this willingness, to look within at the self, that this energy of the Unconditional Love Wand demands to activate its full potential in work on others. Have you had a dark night of the soul? Do you feel that you, your work, or your authenticity has been blocked, or is not reaching its full potential? Do you have a deep desire to help others, to be a bright beacon of light no matter what is going on, who is front of you, or what adversity you face? Are you strong enough to hold this energy, and then own your progression by shining bright? The Unconditional Love Wand will ask you to grow, expand, and become a more vast energetic being than you could ever have imagined, all through the practice of love. This is not a just a personal piece. It is one of the most powerful configurations for having a practice and working on others. It just requires accountability and strength. You cannot bring it into your life, and expect it to only work on

Bill Hurley Crystal Wings Jaguar
Crystal Wings, Copyright 2008- 2025 | Order:  +1 (530) 918-7972 |
Ruby Lavender Quartz™  is an exclusive Trade Mark of Crystal Wings.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All information on this website is under copyright by Bill Hurley of Crystal Wings. It may not be copied for individual or personal use and is not for distribution or publication of any type without the explicit written permission of Bill Hurley.