Crystal Wings Vogel Wands

Order: +1 (530) 918-7972

Tips for Working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™

Tips for Working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™ By Bill Hurley Here are some tips for working with Ruby Lavender Quartz™.  As always, the suggestions serve as only a beginners guide. Hard and fast rules in the crystal world are extremely foolish. You will develop techniques and ideas of your own as you use this stone. An Amplifier: Although this stone is not the ‘Clear Quartz’ variety, it still has the power and focus to be used as an amplifier like any of your other ‘Vogel Crystals’.  The only difference is that it carries with it a suggestive type of energy that always leans toward healing through love, and amplifying your intentions through the lens of the heart. Not limited to the Heart Chakra: Ruby Lavender Quartz™ does have a commanding heart chakra energy, and does vibrate with that energy center, yet it never remains there. Marcel Vogel felt that the high heart chakra area (located between the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra) was possibly the ‘doorway to the soul’.  This thymus location was the area into which he would bring a crystal into presence with the energy of the body, so one can literally address any physical or emotional issue. Emotional Healing: So many of us are in our heads. We ‘think’ about things, and make decisions about things as simple as our emotions, or as complex as having to do with our career, based upon the process of the mind. Although Ruby Lavender Quartz™ can work through the mind, it has tremendous power also working through the heart, or the emotional center. This is especially useful when dealing with emotional toxicity, baggage, or trauma. This stone’s mere presence can invoke release, without even thinking about it. Temperature Gauge: Ruby Lavender Quartz™ can be a gentle warmth that envelops your hand, or a blazing fire that burns away even the most dense and heavy energies. It can be the tender embrace of Kuan Yin, or the electrifying push of Saint Germain to shift to a higher vibration. The intensity of heat is up to you, but RLQ will follow. An Unconditional Friend: When wearing a Ruby Lavender Quartz™ pendant, or bringing a wand into your home, you have an energy of unconditional love, acceptance, and balance that comes along with you. Most of us, if not all, have moments when our positive inner calm can diminish and almost go out. Perhaps it is a judgment from someone, an argument, or just differing vibrations that will challenge you. But Ruby Lavender Quartz™ will offer you, your clients, or anyone whom you are around to bask in a refuge of love. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

What is the Vogel Star of David?

What is the Vogel Star of David? What is the Vogel Star of David by Bill Hurley The symbol of the Star of David has been known for thousands of years in religious traditions, as the shield of God. More well known in Judaism, this symbol also has shown significance in other spiritual traditions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Occultism. The Star of David has symbolized protection and strength to many who wear the symbol. In Judaism, the Star of David, an extension of the Divine, or God, shielded the Biblical David in his battles. It also carries with it the number seven, six for each side, plus the center of the symbol. The seven symbolizes the seven Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Zadkiel who guide and protect us. This energy of the Archangels directs us in subtle, personal ways, and protects us from attacks from darker energies. The hexagram, or 6 pointed star, is also a mandala symbol in Hinduism, that represents a perfect meditative state and balance between us, and the divine or etheric world. This represents an energy of being released from the trappings and bounds of the material world, and achieving a state of ‘nirvana.’ The downward triangle on the front symbolizes the sacred embodiments of the feminine, while the upward triangle on the back represents the masculine focus. These two energies intertwined ultimately represent the most powerful energy of all, creation. In the metaphysical/crystal world the Star of David gained momentum of power and use because of IBM scientist, researcher, and crystal alchemist Marcel Vogel (read What Are Authentic Vogel Crystals?). Not only did Marcel discover that quartz crystal shaped into sacred geometry wand form could induce a powerful healing effect, but that a pendant could do so as well. The only pendant that Marcel designed based upon the Sacred Geometry blueprint himself, the Star of David was his vice for protection and regeneration in his personal and professional life. He found that wearing the pendant allowed him to stave off energetic residue from clients, students, or his audience, while still maintaining a level of sensitivity. It has been reported effective for loved ones, and family members that you may inadvertently give away your energy to. This powerful Vogel Star of David pendant seems to be most beneficial for those who regularly engage with other people, whether in public speaking, sales, an active clientele, or also for those who feel extra sensitive to others opinions, judgments, and beliefs. This has been found to be one of the most important tools in our medicine bag for cementing or solidifying the foundation of the self, while venturing out into the great beyond of the external world. This is no doubt a powerful energy, being that many of us become our environment, rather than bring forth our own true nature. To shine our bright light outward, we must be focused and vigilant in awareness of who we are, verses who we are in reaction to the world around us. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice

Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice Tips for Your Vogel Healing Practice by Bill Hurley Many of those energy workers and lightworkers who have been drawn to the crystal healing arts may find that they need a couple pointers to get into the proper space for effective work. Here are just a handful. Trust Your Own Innate Talent : I am not including specific techniques in this article. If you want to develop the most powerful and genuine skill with your crystal, look to yourself – you hold the answer. Close the books, cancel the seminars and workshops, and sit with your own feelings and urges. You will find that through your own one-of-a-kind will, you will generate your own method. Setting a Sacred Space : Although most practitioners know that atmosphere can be very important for the comfort of the client, it is also vital for the intensity of the connection between you and your Vogel Crystal. Make sure the space is clean, warm, and inviting. Add colors through draperies and candles that you resonate with, use the scents of incense, resins, or aromatherapy. Even change the themes depending upon the energy that you can intuit from the client in advance. Hang up pictures of those divine beings, gurus, or teachers whom you feel may help you during a session. Calling in Spirit Helpers : Before beginning the active portion of the session, ask the client to visualize bringing forth his/her own helpers, while you do so as well. This could be ascended masters, angels, spirit guides, deceased mentors, teachers, or family members in the same line of work, spirit animals, or any other energy that you feel called to incorporate. You may find that different energies will pop up willingly depending on the unique needs of the client. Clear Yourself : The clearing or cleansing of yourself is more important than all the different techniques for the purification of your crystals. Quartz crystal is pure energetic light; it is you that may bring forth residual energies from a past client. Using the smoke of sage, or Palo Santos, start at your feet, and smudge upwards over your whole body. If your mind is busy with thoughts or feelings from the day, use a simple mantra that can empty your mind and focus your intentions for the session. I use ‘Sat’ on the inhale, and ‘Nam’ on the exhale (which from Sanskrit translates to mean, ‘bowing to truth’), but you can use any sounds that you like. Instead of using smoke, you can exercise briefly to move the energies out of your system (our physical and etheric bodies ARE connected!), bathe yourself, or meditate with crystals set around your body. Clear the Crystals : The bulk of the clearing should be done on your own energetic body, but clearing the crystal with your intention can also assist you in decontaminating heavy energies that were applied in a previous experience. Smudge the crystal. Hold the crystal parallel to the ground with a hand on either end. Pulsing your breath out through your nostrils, direct light through the crystal to obliterate any remaining toxicity (in your own memory bank). Do this several times, rotating the crystal with each breath, until it has completely revolved. Personal Practice Enhances Professional Practice : Your Vogel Crystals or Master Healing Crystals/Tools work the most effectively when they are fully integrated into your life. Many people’s practice’s begin to lose momentum when they use their crystals only on others, not themselves. The exponential potential of your work resides on your active effort to use the Vogel Crystal on you. Every morning devote at least 10 minutes to sitting, talking, and communing with the crystal being. If you wait for a session, or for working on others, to touch and interact with the crystal you may find that you will be drained and more chaotic in your productivity. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via our Contact form. Edit Template

Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work

Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work Nutrition for Vogel Healing Work by Bill Hurley Food is a wonderful thing. It has the power to nourish, oxygenate, and build your cells. It has the power to cleanse, renew, ground, enlighten, energize, expand, and engage you. It can amplify your thoughts or feelings, and focus them through the conduit of your body. What you eat enables your body to completely regenerate itself every 7 years, constantly allowing you the potential to re-do or re-create every cell, tissue, and organ of the body. That is pretty amazing, to say the least! It is a powerful influencing factor in your growth as an energetic and physical being. Marcel Vogel recognized these facts, at least to some degree. After an extensive Vogel Crystal healing or balancing on another, he would recommend that they eat a good amount of protein to ground their body. Protein is one of the large components that assists in building and maintaining that which we physically are. We need protein in our diet on a constant basis, but it is recommended most readily by healthcare physicians and holistic practitioners when we are under stress, are in a state of healing, or regenerating, because protein is needed to repair tissue, to heal, and to activate the immune system. But is food really that important when working in the spiritual/metaphysical/energetic worlds? Yes!  Both you, as a practitioner or avid crystal aficionado, and your clients, could benefit greatly from incorporating food as a influencing factor in your energy work. Nutrition, or what you feed your body, is ultimately just another avenue by which your body receives nourishment. If you meditate, enjoy walking in nature, reading your favorite novel, or working with crystals, these are all examples of ways into which you ingest richness. If you were to have a fight with your spouse, lose your job, watch a horrible movie, or observe a hateful outburst of another, all of these would be obvious negative energies that could fall upon you. The same could be said of eating food-like substances that contribute to the toxic load of the body, like fried foods, candy, cakes, soda, refined bread products, crackers, chips, hydrogenated oils, food colorings, etc. These are foods that have the potential to hinder your potential to experience sensation (in the etheric and physical worlds), cause and perpetuate negative emotions, distract you from your true gifts and talents, and urge you to remain stagnant and in imbalance. So, what do I do? Here are some nutrition tips to incorporate into your meditation, crystal healing, journeying, or other energetic practice. 1. Whole Fruits and Veggies for Receptivity: Fresh fruits and vegetables create a receptive energy in the body. When working on your own inner processes, or advising another, it is best to be as receptive as possible. These whole foods nourish every cell in your body because of how easily they are absorbed in your digestive system and bloodstream. You will notice that those individuals that eat a more whole-food diet seem to have a more receptive energetic presence, allowing more authentic work. Eat as many of these foods as possible. An easy way to do this is to stock your house full of fruits to have for breakfast, and to eat one salad a day (for lunch or dinner) chalked full of your favorite veggies. 2. Water for Absorption: About 2 hours before a session drink a good amount of water, and refrain from eating anything heavy, or that saps your digestive energy (fats, grains, animal products). This will allow the body to focus its energies on the work being done, rather than the enormous amount of energy that is devoted to digestion. Water in your diet (which makes up to 70% of your total body weight) is essential to removing toxicity, lubricating and protecting your tissues, and for producing energy. Having enough fresh water in your internal atmosphere will allow one to soak up the positive energy, and release the negative. 3. Protein for Healing and Grounding: Eat protein after challenging sessions. Just as Marcel said, protein helps ground out your body, and assists in healing. But be advised! Going out and eating a bucket of KFC, or another highly processed form of protein, can be detrimental to your physical health, as well as integrating the gifts you have received from the session fully. I would recommend focusing on vegetable sources of protein (as they usually absorb faster and more easily than their animal counterparts) such as sprouted tofu, artichokes, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, green peas, green pepper, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard green, onions, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, turnip greens, watercress, yams, zucchini, hemp seeds, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. 4. Feed Your Body, Don’t Suffocate It: Do not overeat after a challenging session. Whether you are the practitioner, or the patient, gorging yourself, or eating a large amount of food post-session will inhibit the healing and progression made during the work. This is a common occurrence because many of us feel hungry, even famished, after energy work. The toxins released into our bloodstream activate cravings, possibly even severe emotional responses from decades back, that we immediately want to feed. It is vital that you allow your body to fuse what was brought forth in the healing process. Also, when we eat a large meal, our body’s energy stores in the organs and tissues is diverted from healing to digesting the large volume of food. And as such, much of the foods (even if they are tremendously healthy) will not digest or assimilate properly because of the unrealistic load on your gastrointestinal system. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. With the above tips you will notice an exponential increase in your own abilities and perhaps in your relevance as a facilitator. Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via our Contact form. Edit Template

What is Ruby Lavender Quartz™?

What is Ruby Lavender Quartz™? By Bill Hurley Ruby Lavender Quartz™ is a stone that resonates with the Ascended Master Saint Germain. So much so in fact, we designed a special crystal healing/balancing wand to honor this. (see Flame of St. Germain™) Also used as a passport to angelic realms allowing one to communicate with their guardian angels and entities of higher angelic conscious levels. “Carrying a very commanding feminine force, the female aspect of God at her most powerful, it activates and heals the heart chakra with strength and unconditional love.” If one is ready, the stone can initiate a powerful release of even the most deeply embedded blockages. The depth and richness of the pink ray in this material is astonishing. Vibrating powerfully in the high heart chakra, it opens channels to divine love, acceptance and a love for all of humanity. Ruby Lavender is ideal for those who wish to heal old emotional wounds, or to transmute one’s own negativity.  It is a stone of forgiveness and compassion, strongly emanating these qualities, so one using or wearing it becomes a beacon of loving energy in the world. Ruby Lavender™ has arrived as a stone resonating with the higher heart, I.E. the more “expanded heart chakra of the fully activated light body”.  Just as the stone itself has been refined and purified to a degree seldom seen in the physical world, so those on the path of Light must purify and refine themselves in order to vibrate at the new frequencies of the transformed human. One can feel the melding of the spiritual and physical world when touching. For those on the path of ascension or mystical awakening (however one wishes to name the great transformation we are all going through) Ruby Lavender™ can be an integral tool, guiding one to find resonance with the highest vibrations of the heart, the true center from which all loving action emanates. While doing research on Atlantis in the 1980’s I read about quartz of this color in a series of books by Dr. Frank Alper entitled “Exploring Atlantis” {see quotes below }. Thus began my quest for the “red and pink stone created and used in Atlantis” so very long ago. ( Was there actually an Atlantis?…. I do not know.) Twenty years later I discovered a very limited supply and after long discussions, many almost clandestine like meetings, quiet ( and sincere promises), and much luck, was able to obtain the total amount. Because of it’s stunning color I named it Ruby/Lavender. I am told the stone was created in the 1980’s by the US government for an experiment in “cold fusion”. Whatever that is. The experiment, apparently unsuccessful, was discontinued and under the threat of being destroyed the crystal was stored for many years. There are even hints (claims) that the technology involved is from the UFO that supposedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA in 1947. For more on the distribution of the 1947 technologies see the book “The day after Roswell”, by Col. Philip J Corso (Ret. ). I DO NOT make that claim. Honestly, I am not very concerned about the origin of Ruby Lavender™.  As most things of mystery, “origin” concerns are lost once the stone is touched and the spiritual connection to other dimensions is realized. Ruby Lavender™ is composed of 100% quartz with only a few molecules per billion of a rare earth element I cannot pronounce or spell.  However Ruby Lavender™ is NOT a lab grown quartz. The crystal being only “shape shifted”.  For those concerned about it not being completely “natural” consider this… Shamans, Magicians, Alchemists and Healers, of times beyond memory, created magical tools from the world around them. These Elders used bone, horn, skin, feathers, wood, stones and whatever “came to hand”..  Of course, these natural elements contained medicine of Mother Earth, but the healer/wiseman/magician endowed them with personal and or spiritual “medicine” bringing them “alive” to assist in visiting unseen worlds for healing and balancing “all their relations” and/or fellow humans…. So, we, by combining technology with old knowledge (still using stones or “what comes to hand”) create magical tools for the present day. As I mentioned above this stone was initially remembered for its use in Atlantis by Dr. Frank Alper in his series of books Exploring Atlantis Vol. I thru III. Here are few quotes from the books about the “red and pink” crystal used there so long ago: “The source of power for Atlantis was generated and utilized through the use of crystals. Not crystals such as we know now, but manufactured- or grown- natural crystals, produced through artificially forced growth and creation, but as pure as the natural product.. The majority of the crystals were not huge. The smaller ones were in every color imaginable. Each color gave the crystal specific properties and vibrations of energy to be utilized for various purposes. These crystals were a pastel shade of pink in color. The pink was chosen for these particular crystals to soften, but not weaken the great intensity of energy that they produced. Its effect was like striking someone with a sledgehammer while patting them on the head. The ruby with purple hues has healing qualities relating to spirituality and emotional stability, and it can often be used to stabilize an individual’s vibrations. This would be able to help one reach a point of development to be able to eliminate highs and lows in reactions to situations. The red ruby crystal is generally utilized in the healing of diseases that have the characteristics of spreading mass infections, such as cancers and blood diseases, where great power is needed in a short period of time. Part of the purpose of the red crystal is to maintain the balance of vibrations and to assist within the grounding, by maintaining the polarity of the fields of energy. This in itself assists within the growth. The raw power of the red ray is not specifically designed

The Lost Stone of Atlantis

The Lost Stone of Atlantis By Bill Hurley Working with Crystal Wings, as a student of Marcel Vogel, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to the miraculous and awe-inspiring experiences of our clients and customers. But none have been like the feedback and testimonials from the healers that have used Ruby Lavender Quartz™. There has been an enormous underground movement in the healing arts concerning this newly discovered stone. A stone that not only has been used in miraculous work, but has been calling out to all those who have been searching for it for lifetimes. Said to have been the “Lost Stone of Atlantis” and the channeling stone of Saint Germain, Ruby Lavender Quartz™ seems to have taken on a life and purpose of its own. Through the ongoing feedback from our customers and clients we have received information of the same nature concerning this stone. Across the board, the same qualities and entities pop up for every single individual in its use;  unconditional love,  pure heart chakra energy, St.Germain,  sacred feminine,  and nurturing mother energy. It seems that this ‘missing stone’ fills the gap and void of deep emotional trauma that we and our clients have been witnessing within, with a renewed purity of light and love. The energy of the stone itself transmutes and replaces the residual negativity and stagnancy that we hold in our heart center with a presence that many of us have not been familiar with for centuries upon centuries. Ruby Lavender Quartz dissolves ones blockages and in turn enables one to finally ‘let go’ and have the ability to manifest the true potentials of ones Kharmic calling. Without the walls, we become vessels for receiving and giving divine information and divine love. Ruby Lavender Quartz™ has truly become the embodiment of the unconditional mother, the unwavering nurturer, and the undaunted energy of love. It is the comfort of home. These tools are of extreme consequence to both our own individual selves and that of our clients. On three independent occasions Saint Germain came in visions or dreams to separate individuals, presenting Ruby Lavender Quartz as the next needed step in their healing/channeling work. Conveniently timed before visits to Mount Shasta, these individuals were coincidentally drawn into Crystal Wings without knowing what was within our walls! They were mesmerized and drawn to tears to witness the very stone that they had seen in their visions. Within moments of holding the wands they knew they had worked with it before, in where else but, Atlantis. A woman who held this stone in the store, and was rushed with an intense heat and vibration through her whole body, was heated through a freezing winter night without the need for covers after purchasing the stone. A woman who had just had surgery before acquiring her Ruby Lavender Quartz™ Master Healing Tool, healed and recovered so abruptly and with ease that the physical trauma from such an invasive surgery was no longer felt in her physical OR etheric body. Many have attested to the spontaneous visions and information they have received from bringing the presence of the stone into their lives, including a closer and more intimate access to Ascended Masters and past life recollection. Although we knew its power before, these testimonials, along with many others, have confirmed for us the deep underlying need that so many have for this ‘Lost Stone of Atlantis’.  It is important to remember the need for love and wellness in our lives, and to not forget the relativity of time, and how this stone is just as familiar and powerful as it was for us in Atlantis. Give yourself the gift of an open door to the past and an evolving rush forward into the future of healing and balancing, with your own Ruby Lavender Quartz™ Master Healing Tool. To all who have been searching for this stone, whether it has come to you in dreams, in past life recollections of Atlantis, or if you have been worked on with this stone and wish to hold a key to your future wellness and balance, please email us at Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

Distance Resonance Test

Distance Resonance Test Tips from The Owner, Bill Hurley Crystal Consultations: The Distance Resonance Test (DRT) When I first started Crystal Wings I had a vision. I wanted to create a sanctuary of Master Healing Tools that were to rest and rejuvenate here, so that those who were drawn to work with them could find them. Crystal Wings now carries the largest inventory in the world of Vogel Master Healing Tools. We believe that each one of the pieces that is with us is destined to be with one of you. I have traveled the world and have acquired quartz tools of all different kinds that are meant to be with you. What makes Crystal Wings unique is that it is an arsenal of the finest and most refined tools on the planet, available here. To aid in your sacred choosing process we offer Distance Resonance Tests. A DRT is simply the act of tuning into the crystals over the phone, with the help of a conduit. Here are the requirements: You have a clear intention of what energy you need or what purpose the tool will hold in your life. You have looked over the site and have narrowed down your choices. You are ready to purchase. This allows us to offer this service for free and also heightens the effectiveness of the test. If you are not ready to buy you can still call but the DRT will not be effective if you are uncertain of your investment. How to proceed: Make sure that you are in a time and place where you will not be interrupted for 5-10 minutes. Meditate briefly and come into a place of clarity and peace. Give us a call  at (530) 918-7972.** Read more about how to choose a crystal. ** If we are busy with other clients we will take your name and number and call back when we can devote time to your DRT Bill Hurley, certified in 1985 by Marcel Vogel, occasionally gives seminars and does private sessions. He may be reached via phone at +1(530) 918-7972 or email at Edit Template

What Are Authentic Vogel Crystals?

What Are Authentic Vogel Crystals? By Dr. Barbara LaRocca The purpose of this article is to introduce you to a powerful way of connecting with the earth’s healing energy. One of these connectors is natural quartz crystal that are cut to unfold their fullest power. They are referred to as AUTHENTIC Vogel Crystals. Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was with IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBM’s disc drive, the first liquid crystal displays, or LCD, and researched the effect of the mind and emotion on plants. He eventually began to use raw, single terminated quartz crystals. By pointing the crystal at another person, he discovered that the crystal amplified thoughts and emotions, often putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. After leaving IBM, Vogel continued his research on the use of quartz crystals and their ability to heal people. He founded the Psychic Research Inc., a group dedicated to intensive research into healing energies, especially those of various shapes of quartz crystals. He discovered that doubled terminated wands, cut in the same spatial ratios and proportions of the Tree of Life and pyramids of Egypt, are able to transmit energy that can scientifically be measured. Vogel was cutting the wands to reflect the famous alchemical transmutation, “as above, so below.” With the proportions dictated by the Tree of Life and the pyramids of Egypt, he cut the raw quartz — always pieces that had somehow been broken from their source — and no longer had a consistent or symmetrical flow of energy. Each raw piece of quartz (clear, smoky, amethyst, citrine, rutilated) was looked at with an inner sense of its true shape. In addition, the quartz crystals were cut to the frequency of water molecules allowing them to resonate with the liquids in the body. The cutting was done with conscious caring and intention that enable the crystal to find its true potential and optimum ability to transmit and amplify energy. Vogel knew that the real origin of illness is in the etheric body. Although the body or emotions sustain a trauma, the etheric body holds the memory of physical or emotional injury and it can become stagnant, distorted, or stuck. The result of this unstable or blocked energy is illness. He discovered that crystals are the common thread in healing that ties together energy, illness, and problems in the etheric body. Whenever light from the higher realms comes into a person’s body, the light gets refracted if the etheric body is not stable. This can cause illness. The Vogel cut crystal gives the user immediate access to the etheric body and stabilizes it, allowing light from the higher realms to enter. Also, a matrix or template of perfection already exists inside the etheric body. Even when there is physical or emotional trauma, the matrix still exists and can be brought back to optimum conditions by the use of Vogel cut crystals. The actual technique used by the Vogel practitioner is simple but intense. The first key is the clear intention of sending only healing and love to the one being healed. In addition, when learning to do healing, the practitioner develops the ability to clear his or her mind and intentions, as well as raise their state of consciousness. A practitioner can meditate with the wand over the thymus, sometimes called the seat of the soul located in the middle of the chest above the heart. The crystal will help to train the user’s ability to concentrate, stay conscious of thoughts and feelings, align inner energy, focus intention, and prepare to bring the best possible healing to the one being healed. The person doing the treatment with a Vogel cut crystal directs the crystal in an amplified field up and down the persons body until the charge is at maximum. The individual being treated visualizes the area to be treated and goes to the cause of his or her discomfort, imaging that it will be released with a pulse of breath. This breaks up and clears patterns of trauma that have been stored in bone, organs, or tissue. Each of the Vogel crystals are cut and tuned to the vibration of water (see our article, How Do I Know It’s A Real Vogel?). The number of sides the crystal has determines the charge capacity. The four-sided healing crystal is for treatment of the body. The six-sided crystal is for emotional problems. The eight-sided is for treating deep shock and severe trauma. The thirteen-sided reaches into past lives and releases blocks and resolves trauma. Since Marcel’s death in 1991, several new cuts of crystals have been developed by two of the top lapidary experts in the world. Carrying on the Vogel tradition, the crystals are tuned to specific healing abilities. One of the cutters, trained by Marcel himself, developed special meditation tools to aid crystal healers and those who wish to work on themselves. The two major new cuts he has done are the Vision Quest cut and the Foreseer. Both cuts enhance the individual’s ability to go within and develop inner resources, increase psychic ability, and are grounding. The Vision Quest has teaching qualities and The Foreseer aides in seeing past and future issues. This lapidary artist continues to produce the highest quality 4, 6, 8, 13, and multi-sided Vogel cuts. Another lapidary expert, from Brazil, has developed several new cuts. He is responsible for the new concave facets that facilitate the individual in tuning into the crystal, pulling them within in such a way that they are further aligned to inner connections with unlimited healing and love. This cutter developed the twenty-one sided, twenty-four/eight, the twenty-four/twelve, and the Dream Crystal. The twenty-one sided Vogel crystal, in addition to overall healing qualities, also deal with intense family issues, racial conflict or trauma, problems originating from the environment, and difficulties arising from magnetic disruptions, sun spots, meteors, and the ozone. The twenty-one sided also heals past life issues that

How do I know I am Buying a Real Vogel crystal?

How do I know I am Buying a Real Vogel crystal? By Bill Hurley Vogel refers…to an AUTHENTIC, genuine, real, true Vogel Crystal Healing Wand… Used in the Vogel Healing Techniques. Imi-con…refers to an imitation, counterfeit, poorly cut, “trying to be a Vogel”, usually double terminated crystal. Am I qualified to answer?… I believe so… You see… I am one of about four people IN the crystal business that actually knew Marcel and only one of possibly two { again IN the crystal business } that studied his healing techniques ( if there are others out there, please say hello ). Spending many days with him under the trees at Joy Lake in the early 80’s, later a short time at Psychic Research Inc. and occasionally consulting with him until his passing in 1991. All others, it seems, learned what little they know about Marcel and his healing techniques from the web or by reading a booklet written by a “student of a student.” I see many of the “imi-cons” on the web. In the 80’s, when I started in this business, they were actually, just called double terminated crystals and of course still should be. That’s all they are. One can tell from their shape and aura, energy is barely flowing through them. A healer has an obligation to use only the best crystal tools available. An “imi-con” certainly is not in this category. I have hesitated in posting this page for several years. In this business, many are hesitant to speak up and say “Hey, that is not right” or take a stand against the baloney floating around, because they hear “Oh.. you are not spiritual” or “Why are you so negative?”. Well, not needing anyone’s validation, I am past being concerned. Too many sincere, wonderful and searching people are being misled. I’m saddened every time someone comes in my store, all starry eyed, happy, walking on cloud nine, thinking they have purchased a Vogel and then, after seeing and experiencing a real one, realize they only have an imitation. Many people, hearing how wonderful a Vogel is, really want, and perhaps need one, knowing it can change their lives. And then by a dealers design or ignorance, gets only a counterfeit. Now that is sad!!!! “Vogel crystal” is NOT a descriptive term used to describe the general shape of a cut stone. Nor is it a term used to describe a particular cut. The term “Vogel Crystal” is named after Marcel Vogel. He pioneered the precisely cut/shaped quartz healing wand. It is designed and used to release trauma from the present and past, using techniques developed by him in the late 70’s and early 80’s. It is not only the cut or shape of the stone that makes it authentic. It is the healing techniques, philosophy and value of love Marcel taught. These cannot be learned from the web or a small booklet. The teachings and knowledge go much deeper, becoming a way of life. Using a genuine Vogel, will reveal an understanding of many things to the user that can not be taught or even explained. It’s a simple fact: 95% of the crystals sold as “Vogel cut” or “Vogel Crystals” are only polished single/double terminated crystals and not a Vogel in any way. Anyone using the term Vogel to describe the shape, cut etc. of a stone is obviously not informed. How does this happen?… Two reasons… 1. Most dealers honestly do not know or understand what a real Vogel Healing Wand is. Most have never seen one. Although, I do have a large number of dealers and store owners “checking out” my store and web site, looking for ideas and sources. ** See bottom.** They think any polished, double terminated stone is a Vogel. Sorry, “polished and/or double terminated” does not a Vogel make. These same people also think “Vogel” is a term used to describe a particular cut or shape of a stone. This, of course, is totally wrong and ignorant. 2. Other dealers realize referring to a crystal as a “Vogel crystal” gives the crystal a much higher perceived value, making it easier to sell at a better price. They are just taking advantage of the Vogel name. This is truly sad. Marcel Vogel advanced crystal knowledge way beyond his years. We will be studying his ideas for decades to come.. Even now, almost two decades after his passing, people are still discovering “new ideas” Marcel proposed years ago. So, this disrespect of Marcel Vogel’s knowledge and gifts, and misrepresentation of all of his embodied lineage, tells one much about the dealer. Dealers, if you continue to sell “imi-cons” calling them Vogel’s, after reading this, do you not fall into the 2nd category? So, how are some of the ways you can spot a real Vogel? Remembering nothing is sure in this world, here are some indicators: 1). LAPIDARY….All “imi-cons” are cut overseas. Why? Cheap, unskilled labor. The working conditions can be horrendous. These conditions definitely have a negative effect on the crystal. Think about it… cutting and shaping quartz is very labor intensive. The only way polished crystal can be sold for a low price is if the polisher has little talent and receives little pay. This is after working a long day, hopefully wearing a mask {quartz dust can be deadly… like volcanic dust in the lungs} under terrible working conditions. Demand for beautiful and accurate polished crystal is very strong. Talented/skilled cutters can not bother with low priced work. Watch the dealers eyes as you ASK where the stone was cut. 2). PRICE…..A Vogel is “working art”. The cutter/artist has spent decades perfecting his craft. And like the best artist, there is a huge demand for their work. Tremendous talent and understanding of a stone is necessary to correctly cut a balanced Vogel. Expect to pay a fair price for this working art. However, a 1986 price list from Psychic Research Inc. (Vogel’s organization) shows the prices I

Shamanism and the Vogel Crystal

Shamanism and the Vogel Crystal The Unconditional LoveBy an ex-friend and coworker, her positive presence is missed In the beginning of my work at Crystal Wings, I was curious about the path that Bill had taken in his life. He is by no means the typical, ‘new age’ guy, with the long beard, lanky limbs, and robed clothing masking his Birkenstocks. He never uses the commonly heard terms in the average metaphysical bookstore, like ‘blessings to you’ (while bowing with hands in prayer position), ‘Namaste,’ or ‘I am a healer.’ The life that he lives does not include a daily yoga practice, participating in the ‘spiritual community’ or a yearly trip to some guru or place of power. By all accounts he is a regular guy, with a knack for hoarding crystals. Yet, over time, he would reveal a technique, a tip, or a small gem of guidance that would slightly nudge me into a direction that I had not initially noticed. I remember when I began to learn about and work with the Vogel crystals. I wanted to know everything that Marcel had said to him, all the experiences that he had, and how, exactly, these crystals could be used. All he said was, “Go, and sit with it. Do not read any books, or research it with your mind. Just experience it.” Where did he get this perspective, in a movement and culture that is entrenched with guru-hungry, belief-labeling, must quantify/qualify all things, ego-centric self-declared healers? Could it really be true that I do not have to look for the truths, that I can just find them? Bill’s path was not a conventional one. Raised on a farm in Kansas he was knee deep in hard labor and real-life struggle for the first part of his life. He was in military intelligence for several years, drove a truck, sold and developed real estate, owned a marketing company, and has done several other things I imagine.. It was just a chance encounter, while chasing a woman no doubt, that led him to his first workshop with Bobbye Hall on distant healing and journeying. That served as the catalyst for later engaging in and embracing one of the most truthful and grounded forms of spirituality that exists today: Shamanism. Shamanism is, by mainstream definition, a wide range of traditional beliefs from indigenous cultures all around the world, that center on attuning oneself to nature, and connecting with other dimensions. What we would think of as a Medicine Man, would be an example of a Shaman; a practicing intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds. Shamanic practices are said to predate all organized religions, even traced back to the Paleolithic and Neolithic time periods. It is for this reason that it has taken so long for it to ‘come back’ like a revival. Shamanism contains no religious affiliation, philosophy, doctrine, concepts, spiritual leaders or gurus, nor does it worship or condemn. It existed in a time where all there was, was experiences. “Shamanism, in the true, powerful essence of its tradition, is the practice of experiencing the extraordinary while living in the regular world.”Shamanism, in the true, powerful essence of its tradition, is the practice of experiencing the extraordinary while living in the regular world. It is no doubt embracing those things which many push away (the physical body, animals, nature, emotion, monotonous actions and routines). It is this Shamanic energy that Bill holds dear to his heart. It is something that he cannot share, advertise, teach, dispel, or express in detail. Because it is only his to know. It does not require all the dramatic and intricate workings of a church, a gathering, a named movement, or a seminar/workshop. There are no credentials or certifications to enact when it comes to true shamanism. And this is what makes Bill’s work and experiences with crystals so powerful and effective (in his own life and as an example to all of us). Shamanism and crystals have been the formula that have melded and mixed a concoction for Bill that, I believe, has proven significant. Shamanism connects us to nature, and honors nature, without worshipping it, or putting it above or below our own existence (this is an important point, as many will give their power away to the worshipping of the crystal, and personify it as a person). Crystals are a powerful symbol in shamanism of the purity and focused power of nature. We can use them as tools, just as Shamans of the past have used leather and wood as tools, to experience the immense capabilities of an ‘ordinary’ object. It is only through the ordinary that we can access other worlds. It is only through the grounded, practical side of our natures, that we can climb high up into the realms of the spirit. If we are constantly rejecting or negating the everyday experience of our own self, and aspiring to feel spiritually elite (such as a labeled healer, practitioner, or shaman!) then we are moving away from the real essence of this tradition. The compatibility, Bill has said, of Shamanism and Crystals, is that they both can only be acknowledged or verified by our own experience. “The compatibility, Bill has said, of Shamanism and Crystals, is that they both can only be acknowledged or verified by our own experience.”It is not through the viewpoint of another that we can gain the powerful know-how or illuminating dream state of our own self. We must experience both of these elements ultimately, alone. Granted you will have help and guidance periodically along the way, but the direction of the path is up to you, as no one has walked it before, exactly as you will. The spiritual essence of Shamanism is not extraordinary. It is the grounded, down-to-earth consistency that exists always, and has absolutely nothing to do with beliefs, principles, or ideas. That is why it can be so challenging. In the example of my own enthusiasm for intellectually understanding

Bill Hurley Crystal Wings Jaguar
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Ruby Lavender Quartz™  is an exclusive Trade Mark of Crystal Wings.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All information on this website is under copyright by Bill Hurley of Crystal Wings. It may not be copied for individual or personal use and is not for distribution or publication of any type without the explicit written permission of Bill Hurley.